Rock Breaking News!
- Most of our foods - even those grown organically - can be significantly de-mineralised.
Soil used again and again, especially replanted with the same crop, can not only lose minerals but physical substance (top spoil) which carries both organic and in-organic material that aids in the distribution of good bacteria. - MOTHER EARTH'S MINERALS is rich mineralised crushed volcanic basalt.
We deliver bulk loads of our product to allotments, small farms, specialist growers, individuals and plant nurseries throughout the UK's southwest.

We supply to the counties of the South West. Please contact us for deliveries outside of this area.
Welcome to Mother Earth’s Minerals - Volcanic Basalt
helloWe first came across the amazing benefits of volcanic basalt while reading an article in the Daily Mail, based on the content of a book by Graham Harvey, entitled 'We Want Real Food'. By using crushed volcanic basalt we have grown good tasting and large nutrient-rich vegetables in 'Mother Earth’s Garden' in Combe Martin, Devon. We want to share this information and the benefits of this naturally created product with you, a product that is older than the hills.
Basalt Testimonials
Lorraine Colebrook
Lorraine Colebrook is the main gardener in charge of the
organic kitchen garden at Knightshayes Court in Tiverton. She
has worked with Mother Earth’s Minerals volcanic basalt for
two years and this is what she has to say about its benefits
"I have now used Mother Earth's Minerals volcanic basalt for
two years in certain areas of the walled kitchen garden at
Knightshayes Court. These areas have been with the
cucurbits – the marrows, courgettes andpattypan summer
squash. These plants have been in the same area for
two years and so have had a double dose." The recommended
amount of 0.5 kilograms per square metre was not applied,
which allows for a single application of volcanic basalt to
last five years.).
"In the
walled garden and the free standing orchard (of) mainly
apple trees, have also had two applications in that time.
The results have been very encouraging in both areas and I
shall definitely continue to use this product."
The walled
garden (about 2.2 hectares (4 acres) is accredited with the
Soil Association and therefore the first job was to check
that we could use this product on this site. The
results were sent back and approval given. The two
years of using this product could not have been more
different with the weather conditions; the first year with
the cucurbits was wet, cold and grey. The plants which had
to go outside eventually started to go backwards and I was
afraid we would lose the lot. Each plant was given a couple
scoops of basalt around the base of the plant and dug
around. That year we had the best crop of courgettes,
marrows and pattypans with the plants looking vigorous and
healthy throughout the season. I had taken the
precaution to cover the whole crop with fleece and I am
talking about 300 plus plants, a large area. This must have
helped but I feel the benefit of the Mother Earth's Minerals
was crucial to their recovery.
This year we
had the opposite weather situation and the plants were
stressed through lack of water. The plants were given
the same amount of this mineral rich aggregate as the
previous year. Again I have had an amazing harvest. The
vigour of the plants has been very noticeable.
We mentioned
last year of a plan to take a more scientific approach for
testing this product. Due to staff changes we were
unable to complete our plan but did manage to put the
appropriate amount of volcanic basalt in each of the raised
beds we were going to use for the purpose. This next season
we would like to continue this experiment so that we have
more concrete results.
The results
of the breakdown of this product by the Soil Association
made us change the way we used the product. Mother Earth’s
Minerals is 58% is Silica which can cause lung problems if
inhaled and skin irritation. We use it with staff wearing
adequate face protection and gloves, choosing a quiet
weather day to distribute. People wanting to use the basalt
for remineralisation must consider its weight which is
surprisingly heavy. On site we used our tractors to move the
product around but had to carry by containers to the actual
plants. Gardeners and allotment growers must be fit and
without back problems to care more than a half bucketful!
I have been
very pleased so far with the results of using this product.
I haven't mentioned the fruit which is harder to see quick
benefits from but am pleased with the health of the walled
fruit since using the crushed basalt and will continue to
use it every year. The plants have improved in their general
health. They had been looking tired and have over the last 2
years picked up in vigour and production."
I hope some of this is helpful for you Brigid. I think that
the raised testing beds will be good evidence and we will
take photos along the way. I hope to meet up with Katherine
if she visits with her friend and would be happy to show her
the site for our raised bed experiment. We still have a cap
left from an earlier visit so will try to remember to pass
this on as well.
Best Wishes to you all
John Hamaker’s experience:
The American ecologist, agronomist and science writer John Hamaker: "In the summer of 1977, he planted a small maize crop on a few acres of land in Michigan. He described the land as 'worn out', but before planting, he ‘mineralised’ the soil by mixing in glacial gravel screenings-glacial dust-from a nearby quarry" -Daily Mail 22.2.06
The yield of Hamaker’s crop worked out at 65 bushels an acre, conventional farmers in the area were harvesting just 25 bushels with the same variety. Even more impressive was the nutrient content.
Compared with the conventionally grown crop, his maize contained:
57% more phosphorous.
90% more potassium
47% more calcium
60% more magnesium
In his own mineralised garden, Hamaker grew carrots three inches in diameter.
John Hamaker’s downloadable book, written with Don Weaver, ‘The Survival of Civilisation’:
Moira and Cameron Thompson's experience
They heard an excerpt on
the radio of John Hamaker’s book, which became an
inspiration for a new way of life for them which began
in 1984.
We contacted them and had long
talks with Moira. They are visionaries; they live on a farm
near Enochdhu, on the poor soil of the southern slopes of
the Grampian mountains in Scotland. Here they tried out the
techniques in Hamaker’s book, remineralising their soil with
basalt dust. As Moira says ‘Our garden is the supermarket of
the glen’. They started a charity SEER, Sustainable
Ecological Earth Regeneration, with the idea of
regenerating soil for future generations. The last three
decades of their life has been a voluntary experiment in how
to live in harmony with nature and to give back to the
Mother Earth.
More dialogue on Basalt from America
Newer soil research coming out of the U. S. continues to reference the issue of demineralized soil, while following in the footsteps of the work by John Hamaker referenced above. Hamaker was an agronomist, ecologist, mechanical engineer and science writer, not only in the fields of soil re-mineralization through the use of volcanic basalt but was also familiar with mineral cycles, climate cycles and glaciology (the study of glacial development and movement), a topic referenced in the Science portion of this website.
Demineralization continues as a current top. The journal, Scientific American, has written about this in an article concerning the depletion of minerals in food, entitled, Dirt Poor: Have Fruits and Vegetables become Less Nutritious?
This publication references research by the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry from the University of Texas, that was
An Australian View on soil Minerals
The Australian group, Remineralize the Earth, "is a non-profit organization whose mission is to disseminate ideas and practice about soil remineralization throughout the world."
The commitment of this organization is evident in their international representation within their the Board of Directors, with its members coming from America, Australia, Brazil and Canada. The beginning of their mission statement reads –
The vision of soil remineralization is spreading with a clear momentum from gardener and farmer to industry, scientist and policy maker. Remineralize the Earth is the leading resource in coordinating research and application of this growing science, with practitioners and researchers throughout the world."
We at Remineralize the Earth are making rapid progress towards our goal to bring the concept and application of soil remineralization into the mainstream."
Mother Earth’s Garden, Combe Martin, Devon
By using volcanic basalt rock dust we have grown good tasting and large vegetables in our 'Mother Earth’s Garden' in Combe Martin, Devon

Mother Earth’s Minerals is a Devon based grassroots company. Our interest is to re-mineralise you and your soil. We provide naturally sourced volcanic basalt to replace the minerals that have been lost from soil - and consequently from our food - over the last five thousand years.

We supply loose loads and dumpy sacks of this material to seven counties in the southwest; we deliver by contracted trucks with sixteen and twenty tonne load limits with no additional delivery charge to the following areas.
If you are located outside the counties listed above, please phone us at 01271 889325 so we can send you a quote for the additional delivery charge.
Why Grow With Rock Dust?
Over use of soil for farming the natural erosion process - from wind and rain - have depleted the soil. Vulcanization and glaciation are important to creating and distributing minerals across the landscape, and the soils of the United Kingdom haven’t experienced either of these processes for millennia.
We’ve found an ideal way to re-mineralise your soil and thus optimally mineralise you. We've done a lot of research into what in our food would normally provide for optimum health. It’s the natural breakdown of volcanic material over time that contributes to the rich mineral content of good soil. With the help of micro-organisms, rain, wind and frost, large bits of volcanic basalt are broken down and distributed as ultrafine dust, so plants can absorb it and pass it along to us and the grazing animals that also eat plant life.
Please take time to check the rest of our website, where you will meet Mem, our logo apatasaurus, along the way. Visit our product sales page and other pages on history and the science behind growing things, which are important, as they explain why we sell basalt and show how it relates to the production of better quality food.
Graham Harvey's book, including sections on farming
and de-mineralisation of soil: - We Want Real Food
great reference book